Like listening with your fingertips

Like listening with your fingertips [36:40] Agustí Fernández. grand piano Johannes Nästesjö, double-bass «When I listen to Nästesjö’s vibrating fully round bass, the singing bow or Fernández’ intensely sharp piano playing, I get the impression... Leer más

Buterfly Wings

        Very happy to be on «Diversity» a  5 CDs box of Zlatko Kaučič on Nottwo Records. My contribution is in “Butterfly Wings”, a live recording in Ljubljana from 2016, with Evan Parker and Zlatko Kaučič. Thank…

«El mar sota la neu» a «Sense Prefix»

El mar sota la neu Agustí Fernández, piano ”El mar sota la neu”, un tema meu a piano sol dels anys 80, que sortia a Ardent(1986), el meu primer CD en solitari, en una versió enregistrada…

Louisiana Variations

Louisiana Variations Torben Snekkestad, saxophones and trumpet Agustí Fernández, piano Barry Guy, double bass All music by Torben Snekkestad, Agustí Fernández and Barry Guy Live Recording on July 9th, 2017 by John Fomsgaard Recorded at «KoncertKirk... Leer más

Spontaneous Chamber Music vol. 2

Spontaneous Chamber Music vol. 2 Patryk Sakrocki – viola, trumpetviolin and tuning forks Marcin Olak – classical and electric guitars Agustí Fernández – piano Recorded 13.10.2017 Mixed and mastered by Michal Kupicz in Studio w Laskach Photos by... Leer más